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Are You Ready for Coaching? Assess Your Need and Coachability

Hello! We are really happy you’ve come by for a chat. Let’s Tango! Identifying your need for coaching 1. Are you facing a challenge in your life or career right now? 2. Do you feel stuck or unable to move forward in some aspect of your life? 3. Is there something you’d just really like […]

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Transform Your Goal Setting: Embrace “To Be” Goals for a Fulfilling New Year

Hello! We are really happy you’ve come by for a chat. Let’s Tango! The start of a new year is a common time to set new goals for oneself. Typically, personal goal setting follows team or organizational goals for the year, often manifesting as New Year resolutions. Traditional goal setting tends to focus on actions, […]

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Overcoming Overwhelm: Strategies for Regaining Control and Finding Balance

Hello! We are really happy you’ve come by for a chat. Let’s Tango! Look in any thesaurus, and the synonyms for overwhelm are pretty awful: overpower, subdue, oppress, quash, engulf, swallow, submerge, bury, suffocate. Groan. To anyone who’s experienced overwhelm, and that’s plenty of us (including me), those words may be all too familiar. Whether […]

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Butterfly on pink bloom
The Importance of Truly Unplugging: My Journey to Genuine Self-Care

Hello! We are really happy you’ve come by for a chat. Let’s Tango! Recently, a colleague asked me what I have been doing to take care of myself. I talked about a new gym membership, dog-sitting for a week, taking time to care for my loved ones, rearranging my office to make it more beautiful […]

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Achieving Peak Performance: The Essential Balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit

Hello! We are really happy you’ve come by for a chat. Let’s Tango! Humans are a complex mind-body system where each part influences the other. Our brains don’t differentiate between physical and mental outputs. When we over-exert ourselves without recharging, we experience low energy, increased stress, depression, lower resilience, feelings of overwhelm, and pain. The […]

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