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Mental Fitness/PQ®

Bespoke coaching, leadership and consulting services. Learn from the experts how to become a top leader who fosters confidence and respect.

Mental Fitness/PQ®

Next Program Dates: Sun 8 Sept 2024

Learn to boost your Mental Fitness (PQ®) and rewire your brain for more happiness and success!

PQ® (your Positive Intelligence® Quotient) is the measure of your Mental Fitness and the best predictor of how happy you are and how you will perform relative to your potential.

We have PQ coaches, members of Positive Intelligence, Inc., and offer a 7-week program developed by Shirzad Chamine, CEO, and founder, author of the New York Times best-selling book Positive Intelligence, and Stanford lecturer.


7-week program.

Watch 1-hour weekly video (Sat-Mon).

45 min weekly pod meeting with Tango coach & other students to discuss progress, next steps & questions.

15 min/day Coach Challenge & PQ® reps via PQ® app.

Read 8 chapters of Positive Intelligence book (optional; audiobook provided).

Retain access to PQ® app for 1 year.